
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Rainy day, dream away #3

Monochrome photography: Far from being old fashioned, it is possibly the most flexible medium as a means of communication. However, one of the biggest errors I see from the novice mono worker is the fear to go to town interpreting a scene they have captured; meekly removing the colour from an image and leaving it at that. Of course there is far more to good black and white imaging, and the medium allows the imagination to run riot should you have the will.

It has been a pretty miserable day here, weather wise, so I wanted to reflect this in today's photograph. Of course, in reality the sky wasn't this dark; nor the beach this dingy, but by the time I had fired the shutter I had a clear vision of what I was going to do with the shot in post production.

The RAW file started life in Lightroom before being opened in Silver Efex Pro2 for the mono conversion. Lastly, I performed dodging and burning in Affinity Photo. It's not supposed to represent reality; photographs don't have to do that. It's just my take on the day.

85mm f/1.4 AF Nikkor. 1/640 second at f/4. Matrix metering. ISO 250

© 2016

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