
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Blue Tit...

The image, made at Eyeworth pond in the New Forest, is my first serious attempt at photographing the smaller species of British birds. Up until now, I've tended to concentrate my energies on the larger specimens of the indigenous wildlife to be found on these islands. For one, they are easier to shoot: the bigger they are, the slower they tend to move, but taking the easy option doesn't improve my photography. So, attaching the x1.4 tele-converter to my 300mm ƒ/2.8 lens, I set to work. Not the best of images ever made, but a fair attempt at what is, after all, a faster moving subject. The biggest problem, as ever, is selecting suitable backgrounds that compliment the subject, so that's going to need some work. I think I'm gonna need a longer lens...

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