
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Eyeworth pond...

Although unsure of this morning's weather forecast I decide to chance it and drive the twenty-odd miles to Eyeworth pond, in the New Forest. It's still dark when I arrive, but this gives me time to check camera settings, take in the mood of the location and to drink coffee. There's a low mist on the water as the dawn begins to break, creating an ethereal setting, but the wildfowl are absent. I make the usual token shots of some distant ducks, but it's becoming evident that the 300mm lens is not going to be enough on its own, so I attach a x1.4 teleconverter to give myself more reach.
It is past eight in the morning before the sun begins to light the surface of the pond, and by now there is more activity from the local wildlife. Oddly, it's the coots that are to the fore today, whilst the ducks keep out of range for anything like frame filling images. Although the trees lining the pond are yet to produce their full autumn display, there is enough colour in their reflection to make the above image of a coot more than just an average photograph.

Nikkor 300mm f/2.8 VR lens with Nikkor x1.4 TC. 1/400 second at f/5.6. ISO 400.

© 2008

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