
Friday, September 24, 2010

Crikey, I'm bored...

Yes, it's true. I'm finding it difficult to motivate myself at the moment as far as photography is concerned, but then these things happen - I've been through it before. It becomes all too easy to get into a rut and to keep visiting the same places; shooting the same things. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing: repeated visits to the same location will always produce something different, whether it be lighting, atmospheric conditions or just the fact that the place has changed. Today is no different.

The photograph of Handfast Point and Old Harry Rocks was made from Sandbanks beach, Dorset, just after 7am. The sun had just broken above a cloud bank on the horizon and had started to light the distant hills and clouds, but it's the sky that makes the shot, more so as each one is unique.

To clear up any confusion that some visitors experience when viewing the rocks is that Old Harry (a local name for the Devil) is the thin chalk stack at the far left in the picture - not the somewhat larger formations that are visible. His "wife" is the diminutive stack to its right, which collapsed into the sea in the 1890s.

300mm f/4 AF-S Nikkor. 1/500 second at f/5. -0.33 EV compensation. ISO 400

© 2010

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