
Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Old Eight Bells Shop sign

Using big, professional camera equipment for everything is fine and dandy, but for a good number of years now I have been considering having a smaller kit for those times when I want to travel (very) light. There are also the times when I want to shoot for the fun of it and not be constrained by the sheer weight of it all.

Enter the Olympus 4/3 (Four Thirds) system. This week I picked up a body and three lenses for an offer I couldn't refuse, and today put it to use by wandering around a nearby town, shooting at will. Neither the camera body or lenses are pro spec, but the fact that it weighs nothing at all, and is really tiny, made it a joy to use.

Whether or not I get taken with the format remains to be seen - and an electronic viewfinder takes some getting used to - but I have an idea this camera will go with me to places other systems cannot reach.

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mk III with 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 Zuiko Pancake lens. 1/200 second at f/11. ESP metering. ISO 200

© 2019

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