
Saturday, May 19, 2007


The weather forecast for today featured a clear start, and with sunrise at around 5:25am, I headed for the river. I've recently been trying to photograph the local moorhen, but on each occasion it presents itself, it is either too far away, or the light is too poor to get anything worthwhile. Today, the bird was nowhere to be seen, but I could hear its calls. Whilst walking through the long grass in search of my intended subject, I noticed an evasive movement at my feet. I identified it as a damselfly, which had come to rest nearby. Despite having a long telephoto lens on my camera I was still able to get several shots due to the close focusing ability of the lens, before it flew off. Try as I might, I am not able to identify the species with any certainty, but it looks like an Emerald Damselfly.

© 2007

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