
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby jenny...

I'd originally planned a pre-dawn start today, but what with one thing and another, it all came to naught. So, it was into the New Forest, but much later in the day: late afternoon, to be precise. I was after images of ponies drinking from the local water hole (it always pays to have a predetermined objective when going out shooting - it helps to focus one's energies), and set myself up in a suitable position. I waited over an hour for two ponies to wander over and drink, during which time I managed three shots before the pair left the scene - and that was it...gone!
I was just on the point of packing up and going home when I hear the distant braying of donkeys, so I decide to search them out and make them the subject of my lens (it always pays to be flexible, or have a contingency plan). I find a mother with its "baby jenny" (image), and fit a wide angle zoom to get some up-close and personal photographs. I had no choice really, as she insisted on standing right next to me, and I had to work quickly to make some space between us to get her in the frame. It's the use of such a lens at its widest setting and at close quarters that produce the comical effect. These images turn out to be the best of the day.

Nikkor 12-24 f/4 lens. 1/80 sec at f/9. ISO 125.

© 2008

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