
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photographing the light...

There were none of life's insignificata to fend off today, and the intended early start was no problem. As predicted by the weather people (makes a change) the day dawned with heavy mist, and by 7:30am I was already walking the New Forest in search of suitable subject matter; and today it didn't disappoint. Having made a number of "warm-up" shots while the rising sun began to burn off the mist, I eventually come across a mare and her foal (image) and begin to shoot in earnest. From my point of view, early starts and light like this make it all worth while. Although to a large degree the subject plays a major role in the image, it's also just as valid to photograph the light, which can make or break a picture. In this case, it works.

Nikkor 300mm f/2.8 lens. 1/640 sec at f/2.8. ISO 250.

© 2008

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