
Friday, January 01, 2010

More from the marsh...

The weather forecast actually matches what I see out of my window at dawn: Clear sky! So, once again I set off in sub-zero temperatures for Stanpit Marsh Nature Reserve and the early morning light. My arrival shortly before 8.00 am coincides with an ever rising, unusually high, tide, which is flooding much of the area. As I'm unsure just how much more water there is to come I restrict my movements into the marsh: I don't really fancy the idea of being cut off. As cautious as I am, there are parts of the main path that are now deep enough to come up to the axles of my bike once I decide to leave.

It's later in the day (and low tide) that I return to the marsh to photograph Christchurch Priory lit by the setting sun (image). As there is no cloud I boost the sky by attaching a polariser to the lens, and rotating it just enough to have an effect. It's all too easy to overdo the use of this filter, especially with wide angle lenses, but since I was using a telephoto zoom the changes are more subtle.

70-200 f/2.8 Apo Sigma lens. 1/125 second at f/5.6. -0.33EV. ISO 200. Polariser.

© 2010

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