
Thursday, November 04, 2010

Beach combing...

Sunshine and brisk winds start the day: Ideal weather for a visit to the seaside. Walking along the edge of the surf with a camera can be a rewarding experience, and there are often numerous objects washed up that can be made into interesting images by the vigilant photographer.

Once again I elect to use solely my 50mm prime lens for the job, as it is unrivalled for isolating detail in a scene. I'm travelling on foot because the stiff breeze is gusting up to 35mph - too much of a head wind on a bike - plus I need to be relaxed to get the best out of this kind of informal shooting.
Getting in close is the key to success, and more often than not I'm on my knees, crouched low over my chosen subject to fill the frame. To bemused passers-by it must seem odd; but hey, us photographers know what we're doing!

Ultimately, the most successful photos are those of natural elements, as in today's image of a feather, shielded in a sandblasted hollow. The simplicity of the composition and the light and shade make the shot work.

50mm f/1.8 AF Nikkor. 1/500 second at f/11. ISO 400

© 2010

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