
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The monochrome season continues...

The changeable weather pattern for a British autumn continue, heavy rain and winds gusting up to 50mph (80kmh) are the order of the day, although temperatures remain mild for the south west of the UK. Yesterday, it was high pressure and calm conditions; overnight the barometer has dropped and it's grey skies and windswept sand (photo).

As I've mentioned before, this kind of weather presents all sorts of opportunities for a photographer who is prepared to brave the conditions, so once again, it is out along the Dorset coast with a camera. Predictably, there are very few people out for the joy of it on days like this; mostly dog walkers and seafront maintenance workers, employed by the local council.

I keep my back to the wind - it's the best way to keep the front element of the lens clean - but also have a clear protective filter on the lens, which helps in cleaning when the glass inevitably becomes polluted with airbourne contaminants. It is during adverse conditions such as today that I use such filters; otherwise all my lenses go "naked". Lens protection is a contentious subject for nearly all photographers, but used judicially I have no qualms using them when circumstances demand it.

50mm f/1.8D Nikkor. 1/400 second at f/8. ISO 400.

© 2010

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