
Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Lone Surfer...

I timed today's shoot to coincide with the low spring tide during late afternoon, but the weather was doing its level best to work against me. In fact, it started to rain just as I arrived on the beach, but that sort of thing has never stopped me before (and never will). Nor did it worry me initially, as I was dressed for the worst the weather could throw at me, but it does make photography a challenge when the heavens open. At least there was no wind.

The real problem on days like this is trying to keep the front element of the lens dry, although water droplets can add to the outcome of images taken in the rain. However, it does limit the time I can  have the camera exposed and be ready to fire the shutter.

As a result I take no pictures at all until I reach the pier at Boscombe, Poole Bay; mainly because I saw nothing that grabbed my interest, but also because it is there that I am afforded some protection from the elements. The rain continues, and I begin to think I won't be getting anything, but shortly before the pier closes for the day there is a small break in the raincloud. and a lone surfer walks out of the surf and up the beach. The sand patterns exposed by the retreating tide were doing a good job of creating something interesting all by themselves, but the distant figure makes the shot.

12-24mm f/4G AF-S Nikkor. 1/40 second at f/8.  - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 400. Monopod

© 2013


Tim O'Keefe said...

THis is really quite lovely with the ropey strands of water across the beach and the solitary human figure. It feels vast and lonely. Black and white was perfect.

Richard Brewer said...

Thank you, Tim. I had the mono conversion in mind as I took the shot.