
Saturday, December 06, 2014

The formula fails...

High atmospheric pressure and clear skies overnight had me out of bed shortly after 6 am today, and making my way to the coast for some dawn photography soon after. The thermometer hovered around 1º Celsius as I set off in the dark, hoping to improve on yesterday's shoot, but once again cloudless conditions didn't yield anything that I hadn't already got the day before. I stayed long enough to record the sunrise itself, but by 8 o'clock it was all over for me.

It remained cloudless, so not wanting to waste a perfect winter's day entirely I visit a local park during the afternoon with a long lens, just to see what was what. The local squirrels are often quite amusing as they play amongst themselves, and since they are used to human presence, relatively easy to photograph. They are also willing to pose (top) if they think food is in the offing.

I had hoped for the kestrel to appear on the cliff top - hence the long lens - but today there was no sign of her. Instead, a pair of Stonechats flew in as an unexpected subject, allowing me to get several images of the female (above), at close quarters. Once again the sun set in a cloudless sky, and once again the pictures I took of the sunset were formulaic, even with the pulling power of a super-telephoto. Time to move on, I feel.

Top: 300mm f/2.8 AF-S VR Nikkor. 1/400 second at f/2.8. - 1.33 EV compensation. VR on. Monopod. ISO 400
Below: 300mm f/2.8 AF-S VR Nikkor with TC-14EII converter. 1/500 second at f/5. - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 250

© 2014

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