
Monday, January 21, 2019

Wide and determined

It has been a frustrating few days, photography wise. Apart from missing the lunar eclipse early this morning due to cloud cover, I've been chafing at the bit to use the lenses that recently came back from the repair shop. On top of that, I bought a new camera body last week and haven't had a real chance to use it in anger. Today, I am determined to shoot, come what may.

Low tides during mid afternoon lure me to the beach, but once again I am struggling with light - or the lack of it. I do get a watery sun for a few minutes and I shoot a few watery images. However, it is good to get my wide lens back. It has been sorely missed.

12-24mm f/4 AF-S Nikkor. 1/50 second at f/11. Matrix metering. +⅔ EV compensation. Mono conversion and selenium toning in Silver Efex Pro 2. ISO 100

© 2019

1 comment:

Nic said...

Finally I can sort my eclipse lot out, though I don't hold out much hope... In the mean time, this is a lovely shot, this.