
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Brick wall with graffiti...

There are occasions - when I look back through the archives - that I wonder just what made me fire the shutter in the first place. There are subjects that clearly attracted my attention in that moment and I took the shot, but having revisited it I try to see what was going through my head at the time; the very reason for framing and focusing, and why the photograph no longer works once seen on the screen after the fact. The emotional connection is strong at the time but has become lost soon after, and the file languishes on a storage hard drive, forgotten.

I'm not sure if this one such example, but I saw this brick wall two days ago in passing, and although I had my camera with me at the time I didn't photograph it. However, I did intend to return in better light (it was overcast then as it was today).

 I am drawn to the patterns and decay of the brickwork, as well as the graffiti and electrical cable, but other than that what else is there? It's not a stunning landscape; nor a fascinating aspect of wildlife behaviour or a portrayal of human achievement, but it does tell a story, and that in itself is a valid argument to make the exposure.

50mm f/1.8 AF Nikkor. 1/100 second at f/5.6.  - 0.67 EV compensation. ISO 640

© 2013

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