
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nature knows best...

There has been something of a drought here in Dorset, and I'm not talking about the water supply. I am referring to any sort of photographic output from me. It's not for the want of trying, I can tell you, but as the weather has stubbornly remained cold for the past week or so, nature - and all of its myriad colours - appears to have been put on hold.

I did try, earlier in the week, to photograph the blossoms emerging from a tree in my garden, but the results were poor and disappointing. Today I decide I can do a far better job and allocate an hour to do so.

I am using a macro lens to get in close, but using it at a wide aperture so as to blur the background sufficiently. I do love the pastel shades that result as they contribute so much to the overall pictorial effect.

It has recently come to my attention that the start of the season is now in dispute: the Met Office claiming it begins on 1st March, whilst traditionally it has always been around the start of the third week of that month (the equinox). I prefer nature to sort it out in its own sweet time.

105mm f/2.8 Sigma macro lens. 1/80th second at f/4. + 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 200. Tripod and remote release.

© 2013

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