
Sunday, February 23, 2014

8 days without a storm...

It has been eight days without a storm on the south coast, and funnily enough I found myself beginning to miss them in some odd way. Not that I wish for any more - well, not yet, at least - but the relatively calm weather seems to be more out of the ordinary than the rough stuff, so much have we become used to it.

Again, odd, that nature seemed to have been holding off in making its appearance whilst the winds battered and the rains flooded, but since calm prevailed blossom is starting to festoon trees, and daffodils, in places, are in full flower. Hopefully, this week, I will be out and recording the herald of the new season, and also turning in a review of a new camera strap that I have recently acquired - the BlackRapid RS-4.

Watch this space.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/500 second at f/11.  - 0.33EV compensation. ISO 250

© 2014


Tim O'Keefe said...

The color of the water is what is incredible here to me. So bright and clear. I know there is a better was to say this, but photography often takes away true color, leaving it... less. Your pictures are so alive.

Richard Brewer said...

Thank you, Tim. Your comments are always appreciated. :-)