
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Through the square window...

With the first "red warning" of the winter in place, and winds reaching 108 mph (174 km/h), across parts of the UK, it is business as usual for the foreseeable future as far as the weather is concerned. On top of that some parts of the country are told to expect a month's rain before Friday, so flooding is not going to stop anytime soon. In fact, some are predicting anther three months of of all this, and although I can get some drama in my photography it is beginning to wear a bit thin. In fact, Nic and I have decided to postpone a visit until next week, in the hope that travelling conditions will improve.

Today's storm merely grazes Dorset, from what I can glean on the evening's TV weather forecast, before heading up the western side of the UK, but it is still severe enough to make shooting very difficult, especially with a long lens. But it's not only trying to keep everything steady and dry; there are no subjects anyway. At its peak, I am the only person brave/daft/determined enough to be on the seafront for several miles, so getting anything other than the usual stormy sea images is proving fruitless.

The rain eventually stops by early afternoon and the sun appears, but the wind continues to howl. A few people that have emerged towards the end of the gales still shelter behind windbreaks on the local pier... and then I see him. A lone figure sweeping the beach with a metal detector, in search of anything of value that has been churned-up by the heavy seas. What kind people, I always think to myself, looking for valuables that they can then reunite with their rightful owners. Very public spirited of them.

70-200mm f/2.8D Apo Sigma lens. 1/1000 second at f/4. ISO 400

© 2014

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