
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Night lights...

Basing today's plans on yesterday's weather forecast turned out to be a mistake (so what's new?) and I postpone my trip for some photography on the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. However, not being deterred by the Met Office's unspecified grey cloud that blankets the area, I get on my bike, camera over my shoulder, and ride the seafront of Poole bay in search of alternative subjects.

I make a number of attempts at photographing ducks and geese in Poole Park, shooting by holding the camera at ground level and essentially shooting blind. Always a hit or miss technique, and on this occasion the latter prevails and I get nothing of any value: only out of focus images of very poorly framed birds.

It's on my way home that I arrive at the approach to Bournemouth pier, and initially attracted to the fairground lights reflected in the old Waterfront building, but finally opt for photographing one of the rides in operation. There is still enough light to give the sky some detail, but it is essentially a hand-held night shot. Because of this I am forced to shoot with the lens wide open and a higher ISO than I would have liked, but timing the swing of the ride and shooting when it is at its highest helps to keep things sharp.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/125 second at f/2.8. - 0.67 EV compensation. ISO 1600

© 2011

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