
Saturday, March 23, 2013

A warning to us all...

Which ever way you want to look at it - spring starts at the beginning of March or on the Vernal Equinox - it is all academic as winter weather returns to large areas of the UK. There is no snow; high winds or flooding here in Dorset, but temperatures are struggling to get above zero Celsius over the next day or so.

This is a shame since I have decided to transfer the bulk of my workflow to Adobe Lightroom (having installed the software), but there is precious little to photograph. Of course, there is always going to be something to point a lens at if I look hard enough, and it is the graffiti - scrawled in pencil -  on the painted wooden door on a beach front shelter that gets my attention. Quite why someone felt the need to dash off such a warning is unclear, but I feel it may have something to do with the local council discouraging people from sleeping overnight at the many shelters and wind-breaks along the seven miles of promenade that lines Poole bay, by boarding them up or removing the roofs entirely. There is no official policy on this action, but it doesn't take a genius to work it out.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/60 second at f/5.6.  +1.33 EV compensation. ISO 320

© 2013


Nic said...

Thank heavens it is only the peasents revolting and not the peasants. Then we'd be in trouble.

Richard Brewer said...

Well spotted. Nic. I was wondering when someone would catch that. ;-)