
Thursday, December 26, 2013

No bluebirds in sight...

Another splendid Christmas with Nic comes and goes (thank you, once again), as does the stormy weather the UK is currently experiencing, and it is only on Boxing Day that settled conditions make it realistic to spend an afternoon outdoors.

We decide on Samphire Hoe; a place created from the spoils of digging the channel tunnel (from England to France), and it is the famous White Cliffs of Dover that dominate the skyline in the photograph. As is traditional, many people emerge from the excess of the Yuletide season today in an attempt to burn-off all those extra calories (you wish), and the car park is almost full upon our arrival. Despite this, the area is large enough to absorb the multitudes effectively enough to keep them out of shot, and preserve the wild and desolate feel of the place.

Amongst other things that Nic gave me for Christmas, were two books; both featuring photographers known for their black and white images. Shadow and Light by Bill Brandt, and the other titled: Ansel Adams - 400 Photographs. Just the thing to stir those creative juices, and getting myself inspired during the long winter nights.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/800 second at f/5.6. ISO 320

© 2013


Nic said...

No walk could burn off the calories we consumed...

I'll join you in the mono work, if that's okay. :)

Richard Brewer said...

It wasn't that bad, was it, Nic? ;-)

Feel free. The more the merrier when it comes to monochrome.