
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Watery, winter sun...

Not much to say to round the year off, to be honest, but the current series of storms to hit the UK in recent weeks have taken the afternoon off and I am able to do a bit of shooting before we slide kicking and screaming into the next year.

I'm at the beach with my camera by mid-afternoon; the sky a featureless grey; the tide falling. It all looks pretty hopeless but for the fact that the wind is brisk. This gives me hope, as I know from experience that the light can change quickly and suddenly as a result... and I am right. For a brief moment the clouds part and a watery, winter sun stabs through the gloom to create the image here. I like ephemeral moments like this, and the drama it creates, but you have to be quick or you miss it.

As I write I can hear the wind picking-up again outside, and the next weather front sweeps in from the south west. I make the mental note to check the clocks on my cameras.

Happy New Year.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/250 second at f/8. ISO 200

© 2013


Tim O'Keefe said...

Quite amazing. Thanks. Happy New Year.

David c.h. Brown said...

Beautiful shot Richard! Happy New Year to you and yours. Dave

Richard Brewer said...

Thank you Tim and Dave, and to everyone that has paid a visit to my blog during the past twelve months. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

And a special thank you to my friend Nic, without her support and encouragement this blog would not be what it is.

Happy new year to you all.