
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Agglestone Rock...

Heavy rain showers, thunder and lightning are forecast for today (I get none of it), and I decide to make my first trip this year to the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. I have one or two locations in mind before I set off, as well as ideas for the type of images I want to shoot  - stark silhouettes against angry skies, for example -  but once arriving on Black Heath I head for the Agglestone Rock. I last visited the location three years ago, and had less than co-operative skies (cloudless), but today was something different.

I could go on about the details of the 400 tonne rock, but they can be found here should you be interested. Instead, I will leave the location and subject to speak for itself.

12-24mm f/4G Nikkor. 1/250 second at f/11. + 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 400

© 2012


Nic said...

Obviously the skies weren't feeling so angry. Which is good, because it is a lovely shot.


Richard Brewer said...

Thank you, Pixie. It's a favourite location of mine, although I don't get there as often as I should.