
Monday, April 02, 2012

Wispy cirrus saves the day...

The nine days of good weather (of what is being called early summer by some - I would still call it Spring), is set to break this week, with snow being forecast on high ground in some parts of the UK. So, I make the most of what is left for the foreseeable future, and cover just over 33 miles (53km) on my bike today in search of images.

Unfortunately, I am not too inspired by the light. It has remained pretty much cloudless, and I think I will retire for the day having photographed nothing, but the sudden, and brief, appearance of a few wispy cirrus clouds are all I need to finally get the camera out of the bag.

Although just a straight forward shot of a tree still not yet in leaf, I position myself so that the reeds in the river coincide to some extent with the branches in the reflection, and conveniently hide an electricity pylon behind it. I use a polarising filter to add a bit of punch to the colour.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/80 second at f/11. ISO 400. Polariser

© 2012


Nic said...

That is such a wonderful photo. I really love it. :-) P

Richard Brewer said...

Thank you, Pixie. Sometimes when I'm out I think I will photograph nothing, then out of the blue I get this. You just never know. :-)