
Monday, September 30, 2013

A flowery sharpness...

One more day of this dull weather and then apparently I can expect strong winds and heavy rain for the rest of the week. Something deep inside is stirred by this news, and I look forward in anticipation in getting out to shoot. Although it is far more challenging to take photographs, bad weather is one of my favourite subjects.

Proper bad weather, mind; none of this "Ooo, it's raining, so lets take a few snaps" sort of thing. I envisage a struggle against the elements; trying to keep everything dry and steady, scenario. Knowing the accuracy of the forecasts I may well end up being disappointed. Again. Still, it is going to remain mild, so that's a plus.

Today, I'm out photographing with a single lens, which also happens to be my fastest - aperture-wise. I'm looking for subjects to isolate with that razor-thin depth of field that such optics offer, and it is this bunch of flowers on a ladies bike on the seafront of Poole Bay, Dorset, that works best on such a dull day. The flat light produces no shadows, and shooting wide open does the rest. Such images can look over sharpened, but this effect is caused by the fact that most of the picture is unsharp. I don't know why I don't use this lens more often.

85mm f/1.4D AF Nikkor. 1/1000 second at f/1.4. ISO 200

© 2013

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