
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Four feathers (minus three)...

The forecast bad weather has been postponed until tomorrow, so today I have to be content shooting in drizzle instead of near-storm conditions. I have the idea to photograph images that will lend themselves to split toning in Adobe Lightroom, and set off for an afternoon stroll.

It is always nice to go out with an agenda, although that can often be subject to change, depending on what I come across. Today I'm lucky.

Somebody had found four feathers, and pierced ivy leaves with them, creating an horizontal row resembling clothes pegs on a line. As I am still only using my fastest lens - a short telephoto -  I am unable to effectively include them all. No bad thing as I think a wider shot would have been less effective.

85mm f/1.4D AF Nikkor. 1/160 second at f/5.6. - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 500. Split toned in Adobe Lightroom

© 2013

1 comment:

Nic said...

It reminded me of paper aeroplanes through holey stones :)