
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Organic ornamentation...

Today, I'm back on the beach and looking for things of interest to photograph - I seem to be running out of ideas. I made a project of this type of photography during most of the early months of this year, and thought that I would give it another go as there are some interesting images to had, if only you look for them.

The winter months are the best times for this activity, from my point of view, as the low sun will nearly always pick out detail of a potential subject, throwing it into sharp relief and making the shot. But there are other times that it works, as with the patterns and swirls of this small outflow on the sands at Boscombe seafront, Dorset. I had almost given up after finding nothing that stirred my interest on my planned morning walk, but then I happened upon the scene shown here.

The flowing water is moving very slowly, and I stand and watch for quite some time as the patterns created by decaying organic matter slowly change and take on different shapes in the morning sun. I shoot a number of images for variety, and to select the one(s) that work the best once the files are opened in Adobe Photoshop. There are two very similar images to this one, but the landscape format worked better in this instance.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/250 second at f/11. ISO 320

© 2012


Nic said...

Reminds me of making marbled paper at school.

Richard Brewer said...

I was fascinated by the ever changing shapes. I wish I had stayed longer and got more shots.