
Monday, June 25, 2012


I mentioned in yesterday's post - and have elsewhere on this blog - about how photogenic water is, in any shape or form -  I'm generally talking about rivers, lakes or seascapes - but I rarely photograph it on its own. I did this afternoon.

I had a long overdue bike ride (I have not been on it for some weeks in preference to walking) and cycled to Sandbanks, mainly for the exercise. Naturally, I had a camera with me. Upon arrival I take a few uninspired shots of the yachts sailing out of the harbour to who knows where, and one or two attempts at capturing Herring Gulls squabbling over food (actually, I got at least one useable photo from that), but I was suddenly taken by the waves near the chain ferry terminal at the entrance to Poole Harbour; the way they were catching the diffused sunlight, and immediately saw photographs.

I had to take a good few images using the short end of my zoom lens, as it is all but impossible to predict when the specular highlights will form a pleasing pattern, so it is all down to chance as much as anything. I think I captured what I set out to do with today's photograph.

70-200mm f/2.8D Apo Sigma lens. 1/1000 second at f/5.6. + 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 320

© 2012


Nic said...

Have I ever told you about my odd reaction to frog spawn, bee hives, and things which cluster? This may sound entirely irrelevant but it isn't.

Richard Brewer said...

No, you haven't, Nic. Indeed, it does sound quite unrelated, and I would be interested to hear how the two connect with you.