
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shower clouds and meteorological phenomena...

For once the Met Office's weather forecast was accurate. Hyperbole, of course - we all like to moan about how far out the weather forecast is almost as much as we like to moan about the weather - but today I experienced the full gamut of its prediction.

So, heading into a brisk Westerly wind I arrive at Sandbanks, Poole, as the tide is going out. There are a few kite surfers doing their stuff on the water - and I do mine - with the obligatory shots that I know I'll never use. Even with this in mind it serves as a warm up: to get my eye in and look for images or situations to photograph - getting in the mood, if you like. Ordinarily, these frames languish on one of several hard drives, never to see the light of day again, but earlier this week I executed a pretty severe edit of such images dating back to August of last year, and consigned 2283 RAW files to the trash.

It's as I'm half-heartedly shooting the kite surfers that shower clouds roll in and darken the sky, and rain is visible in the far distance. This is only temporary, because no sooner has the cloud moved directly overhead the horizon begins to lighten. Straight away I know there will be a rainbow to shoot, so I start looking for a suitable scene to capture the event.

The rain itself bypasses me, and I am able to capture the optical phenomenon over the sea, as well as part of the shower system that caused it.

18-35mm f3.5-4.5 ED Nikkor. 1/1250 second at f/8. - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 560

© 2012


Anonymous said...

Was the sky really such an incredible shade of blue or have you altered it in any way ? Love the cloud formation .

Richard Brewer said...

Anonymous: It sometimes happens with wide angle lenses, when the light source - in this case the sun - is at a 90-120 degree angle to the subject, and is low in the sky. So yes, it is not as it appeared, and no, I didn't alter it! I hope that helps.