
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wall boxes and regnal numbers...

Today, I thought I would simply post a colourful photograph, but needed to shoot one first. Ooo, I love a challenge and I've had enough of all this grey and mono conversion treatment to my photography. Time to splash out a bit. Weather conditions were ideal: bright but overcast, since the imminent summer - at least that was the way it seemed to be suggested by the forecasters - was taking its own sweet time coming.

It comes to me during my search that street signs, and in particular, traffic signs, might make an interesting photo essay of an afternoon's ramble, but quickly forget all about that when I happen upon the scene here.

I've photographed this wall box before; given it the digital treatment and posted the result here on the blog. However, today there will be no such jiggery-pokery. The GR cipher on the front of the post box (presumable standing for George Rex) in script - with a small VI (the regnal number) - between the initials on the front dates it to the reign of King George VI (1936-52), but the traffic cone (much later), used by nearby workmen resurfacing a road - contrasts in both shape and hue and it clinches the deal.

Oh yes, the design on the cone designates a temporary restricted parking zone, but I have no idea as to the significance of the OXO graffiti.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/200 second at f/5.5. - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 400

© 2012

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