
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Keeping at it...

Resist as I might, I find myself drawn to the same spot of the river that I have based all my photography on for the past two weeks. I know the light is not at its best with cloudless skies; I know that I have more images of herons (right) and egrets than I can shake a stick at, but I feel I should make the most of it while it lasts. The weather is due to break at the weekend. Besides, it is worth the effort to keep shooting away as something special may just present itself.

I try to mix it up a little today, by concentrating on feeding and flight shots, and although I do get a number of jumping fish and snapping bills, they are not as sharp as I would like. I need to work on my technique a bit.

When discussing photography with others, I try to make a point about a subject's background. Wherever possible I choose that before my subject, but it is not always possible to do so. Today I get the photos I have been after, with the bird's outline sharply contrasted against a wash of out of focus foam.

300mm f/2.8 AF-S VR Nikkor with TC-14EII converter. 1/3200 second at f/5.  - 0.67 EV compensation. ISO 400. Monopod

© 2012

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