
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yet another stone...

I've got to stop doing this. I'm getting into a photographic rut, and I need to break out of it and photograph something different. For the best part of a month I have spent most afternoons ambling along the beach of Poole bay, Dorset, photographing details I come across, such as stones, seaweed, feathers, and anything else abandoned by the falling tide or highlighted by oblique light.

I am getting a good number of interesting images - always different from the previous visit - plus one or two surprises, but I feel I'm beginning to repeat myself. However, today there is an exceptionally low tide during late afternoon, and as the sky is totally clear I'm not going to waste it all.

So here, for the last time in a good while (hopefully, eh?), I publish yet another stone on the beach, lit by the evening low tide. Thank you.

24-70mm f/2.8G AF-S Nikkor. 1/200 second at f/11. - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 400. Monopod.

© 2012

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