
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Nic's stone...

Another mild day along the Dorset coast, but this is about to change overnight, with temperatures forecast to drop to -5 ºC tomorrow. So, once again, I opt to walk in search of photographs while the conditions are still favourable, and again choose the beach.

I'm better equipped than I was yesterday - not only lens wise - but I also have a monopod to steady the camera. I normally use such an item with super-telephoto lenses, but I noticed a significant proportion of images from yesterday suffering from a hint of camera shake when shutter speeds dipped below 1/80th of a second. I need all the support I can get.

It's approaching late afternoon as I arrive on the seafront, and the tide is well on its way to being at its lowest. I start taking shots of light reflected in the exposed wet sand, but I'm also doing something else. I'm keeping an eye out for interesting stones - especially ones that have holes all the way through - for my best friend Nic: also a fellow photographer (as well as a collector and maker of things beautiful and interesting).

I had only just received a text message from her when I turn and find just what I'm looking for (photo), recently exposed by the retreating surf. Before I pick it up I photograph the stone in situ (and yes, one of those holes goes from one side to the other). Keen observers will notice my reflection in the larger bubbles as I crouch low to take the photo.

50mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor. 1/50 second at f/6.3. - 0.33 EV compensation. ISO 200

© 2012


Nic said...

Nic is exceptionally lucky to have a friend like you.

:-) P

Richard Brewer said...

Thank you, Pixie. The feelings are mutual, I assure you. :-)