
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Winter dawns, frozen derailleurs and the beginning of the end...

The cold snap continues over much of the UK, and I'm up well before dawn to inspect the sky. The Met Office and I concur: it's clear. I set off into the approaching dawn and an Easterly wind - eyes watering from the cold - and head to the beach.

I arrive in good time and pull my camera out of its bag. I'm immediately greeted with a low battery warning in the viewfinder: low temperatures take their significant toll on such items, but I should be okay as my reserve battery still reads 69%. After all, I won't be hanging around once I've got what I'm after. Low temperatures are beginning to take a toll on me, too.

On Southbourne beach, Poole Bay, the sun makes its appearance at 7.45am and I start making photographs. Although low tide is not for several hours I've managed to find a tidal pool on the sea shore that I can use as foreground interest (an old architectural design trick - it instills a calmness), and I click away for seven minutes until the sun has climbed above the cloud and the effect has gone. Shoot over.

In that short duration I've noticed the cold for the first time, despite wearing numerous layers of thermal clothing. It started me thinking: this may well be the last winter I shoot at this time of the day. This thought is compounded by the fact that both derailleurs on my bike have frozen, and I'm restricted as to what gears I can use. This, no doubt, it due to the fact that I hosed-down the bike yesterday to remove two days of accumulated mud from riding across nature reserves, and the fact that water still remained in the linkages.

So, for the first time I'm considering being more selective with shooting at certain times of the year. That, plus the fact that lugging heavy glass around is beginning to take its toll. Time to think about selling up and finding something lighter.

24-70mm f/2.8 AF-S Nikkor. 1/160 second at f/11. + 0.67 EV compensation. ISO 400

© 2012


Nic said...

Your bike is made of glass? You are considering moving to somewhere lighter? What, like a tent?

I am awfully confused, Mr. Brewer. The cold air has clearly got into the attic, and I suggest a cuppa soup and a lie down. You are most unwell.

Nice picture, by the way.

:-P P

Nic said...

PS. I make notes that it is also the beginning of the end. I am quite literally frantic now due to this post.

I also note that the word verification for this post is ginizips. I think it most appropriate.

It's all a bit ginizips, old bean.

I'll go now.